The Corporation Commission was created in our Arizona Constitution to protect Arizona families and our economy. I’m running for Corporation Commission to restore integrity to the rate setting process.
I’m running a campaign fueled by everyday Arizonans like you, committed to restoring integrity and putting Arizona ratepayers first. I need your help by contributing $125, $250, $375 at to share our message.
Integrity means doing the right thing for ratepayers and not special interests.
That’s why I oppose the ballot proposal being pushed by a California billionaire that would mandate a massive increase in our electric bills to subsidize his liberal agenda. The billionaire who wrote Prop 127 never conducted a public meeting, a town hall, or did any study to justify his proposal. He wrote a check and demanded that Arizona do it his way.
Arizona can and should RESIST Prop 127. We can’t afford it.
I serve as a Major in the United States Air Force JAG Corps Reserve and I hold my PhD in Arid Land Resource Sciences (water.) I’m qualified and ready to serve you with integrity.
Please visit