In years past “ambulance chasers” was a derogatory description that could find its way to certain lawyers or law firms. Here in the Phoenix area the term was often associated with the Goldberg & Osborns of the legal profession. But we appear to have a new gold medalist: The Frutkin Law Firm.
In the great new age of social media there’s no need for the Frutkins of the world to actually go chase the wounded in ambulances and pass out cards at the hospital. Instead, they can just monitor headlines and prey on the gullible, as it appears they are doing with those interested in violating private property rights and “saving” the former Chinese Cultural Center near Sky Harbor Airport.
Look at this GoFundMe campaign they are promoting. Basically, it’s a beg for up to $300,000 in legal fees for quixotic, long-shot claims that were bounced out of court earlier this month. What’s even sadder than the legal effort is the amount of money raised to date, just over $4,1000.
But perhaps that’s a good thing so it prevents other legal voyeurs from doing likewise. And with behavior like this it makes all the more clear why such a law firm sought to change its name earlier this year from the last name of the principals to something called Radix. That’s a technique tobacco companies and pay day lenders have used. How appropriate as we get closer to Halloween. A law firm and its losing ways that is all trick and no treat for the Chinese community, or for the state’s clear property rights laws.