In early 2008 Barack Obama sat down with the editorial board of the Reno Gazette-Journal and attempted to wax eloquent on a variety of different topics. But it was the future President’s compliments about Ronald Reagan that captured the attention of Democratic primary voters for a time. Why? Because it was videotaped by the editorial board for the interested to see. Obama in his own words.
We don’t know why the Arizona Republic’s own editorial board interviewing the Republican candidates for Governor was not likewise videotaped. If a smaller paper can do so for a leading presidential candidate it would seem appropriate for state aspirants that have already been videotaped thoroughly to date.
Whatever reason it is to be respected as the members of the Arizona Republic are among the most passionate advocates for a better Arizona, and fair even to those they disagree with, contrary to many right wing assertions.
But we can lament that decision because of the apparent performance of Christine “I Am Always The Smartest Person In The Room” Jones. Asiding that particular issue if Bob Robb was present, our regret is that a video did not capture Jones’ apparent meltdown when challenged on her plans to stop illegal immigration and “send Obama the bill.”
You see, beyond a shocking lack of experience to actually be Governor — being a lawyer without running really anything doesn’t qualify — Jones’ temper is ill-suited to the job too. Her performance at the editorial board would have been just the evidence for more voters to see that insiders are already familiar with.
And speaking of insiders those that have been around Jones say her quest for Arizona’s top office is not about altruism, nobility or a conservative cause. It’s all about her. Emerging from Bob Parsons’ shadow. To finally be the star herself. Appearances in raunchy Go Daddy advertisements apparently haven’t satiated her appetite.
There’s nothing wrong with ambition. But when a first-time candidate’s sole purpose for pursuit is about them – and they have a willingness to adapt the most convenient political positions possible well, it’s amazing how voters eventually see through the façade and they, not the mightiest egos, become the smartest ones in the voting booth.