Finally! The New Scottsdale Civic Center is Done: What Can You Expect?

It has been a long and winding road when it comes to the much ballyhooed Scottsdale Civic Center upgrade. It has been behind schedule with early reviews being less than generous, especially with regards to shade. However, it would seem that early unveilings were a false start of sorts, and the completed project is now finalized and ready for the … Read More

Is Low Growth Here to Stay in Scottsdale?

It has been no secret that the current make-up of the Scottsdale City Council has been what could be called “growth hesitant”; that there is a concerted effort to focus on what are deemed to be unimpeachably high-quality projects to the detriment of overall growth. We have labeled them “the Council of No” before, where they sometimes seem to look … Read More

Battle Lines are Being Drawn Over Homelessness in Scottsdale

Recently the city of Scottsdale took a more open and assistive approach to homelessness, taking advantage of a grant offer by opening its doors and helping house a number of them (read the full story here). While it was a move that would clearly be seen as empathetic and compassionate, it is not one that comes without potential ramifications, both … Read More

Guest Editorial: Banner hospital unwanted, unneeded in Scottsdale

by Shirley Wagner My relationship with HonorHealth goes back to 1977, when I started working at Scottsdale Memorial Hospital as a nuclear medicine technologist. The system has had name changes over the years, but quality patient care has always been the top priority. Physicians that practice at the hospital are innovative and forward looking. Upon retiring, I have continued my … Read More

Lessons in Leadership: What Really Happened to the Rio Verde Foothills Water Plan

You are very likely aware of the ongoing Rio Verde Foothills water crisis; hopefully you’ve read some of our coverage, but regardless you’re likely aware of the highly concerned citizenry in the unincorporated town on the outskirts of Scottsdale, as well as the political bickering between the city of Scottsdale and the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. A new story … Read More

Mayor Ortega Capitulates on Rio Verde Water Crisis, but Work is Left to Do

Public outrage has a way of swaying politicians. So does looking around and seeing that you’re on an island with a particular view. Scottsdale Mayor David Ortega apparently has learned this firsthand, and it seems to have shifted the conversation regarding the most notable and controversial topic so far this year. After public disagreement and obstinance, it now seems as … Read More

Breaking News: Letter to Mayor and Scottsdale City Council – Proposed Changes to Zoning Ordinances

From the Goldwater Institute Mayor David D. Ortega & Scottsdale City Council Members City of Scottsdale 3939 North Drinkwater Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Re: Proposed Changes to Zoning Ordinance Dear Mayor Ortega and Members of the Scottsdale City Council: As an organization dedicated to the protection of private property rights, we are writing to express our concern with respect to … Read More