News Release: Complaint Filed Against Axon For Failing To Disclose Massive Sums It Spent To Prevent Public Vote On 1,900 Unit Scottsdale Apartment Complex

(Scottsdale, Ariz.) Taser manufacturer Axon likes to brag about being a friend to law enforcement. These days Axon is gaining fame for flouting the law.

Axon is believed to have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not more, in a failed attempt to stop a petition drive that will put its controversial and unpopular 1,900-unit apartment proposal to a public vote.

Not only did that effort fail, but Axon also failed to file a campaign finance report as required by law. As a result, a complaint has been filed with the Scottsdale City Clerk.

Taxpayers Against Awful Apartment Zoning Exemptions or TAAAZE is leading the effort to oppose the unwanted apartment proposal that is too dense, too tall, and would create too much traffic.

TAAAZE followed the law and filed a campaign finance report disclosing its spending. A complaint against Axon has now been filed for failing to do the same.

That complaint reads in part:

“The citizens of Scottsdale have a right to know (1) how much money Axon spent in its unsuccessful effort to stand in the way of their right to direct democracy and (2) how Axon spent it. Arizona law and public policy demand that. But rather than be transparent about its opposition and the significant resources it expended to engage in questionable tactics, Axon is hiding in the shadows and blatantly circumventing campaign finance laws.”

The complaint was filed by attorney Andrew Gaona from the firm Coppersmith Brockelman on behalf of TAAAZE.

Axon undertook an aggressive effort to fight TAAAZE’s petition drive that included “Petition Blockers” who often harassed signers and stalked circulators. Axon circulated propaganda touting its plans and attacking TAAAZE. They also maintain a website.

Axon’s materials even contained traditional disclaimers commonly used in campaigns such as, “PAID FOR BY AXON ENTERPRISES, INC., WITH 0% FROM OUT-OF-STATE CONTRIBUTORS. NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE.”

TAAAZE Chairman and former Scottsdale City Councilman Bob Littlefield said, “Axon certainly has the right to campaign, but they have to follow the law. The rules must to apply to everyone, whether you are a billion dollar company or a group of residents trying to protect what makes Scottsdale special.”

Media seeking a copy of the complaint are asked to email

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