By Ronald Sampson Scottsdale voted for change in this past election; it rejected a couple sitting councilmembers and the incumbent mayor. And it only took about one week, but Scottsdale is already getting a strong whiff of that change. Last week was a very busy one at the council dais, and the new iteration of council is setting its sights … Read More
Working Hard…
Thank you for the email that was just sent to us showing this Axon hired gun, trying to block Scottsdale voters from having a say on the largest apartment complex in city history, taking a break to smoke some weed. Perhaps Axon should take a cue from this guy: smoke one, chill the heck out, and leave Scottsdale alone.
Delivering News in a Different Way: Thank You for Our Impressive Growth
Friends, we try not to dwell too much on the statistics of this website; it may come off as a bit indulgent. But with that said, sometimes we are taken aback and thankful for your readership and your participation, and we just had to share. Last year, we had over 112,000 different readers here in America, and about 75,000 coming … Read More
A Thank You From Arizona Progress & Gazette
We don’t like to brag about ourselves too much, but every once in a while we need to take a victory lap and remind you, the readers, of what you’ve meant to this blog. What started as a simple venue to give our thoughts about local politics, a humble little blog, has turned into something significant. Last year we had … Read More