Guest Editorial: Protect Scottsdale’s Zoning

By Solange Whitehead

Councilmember Solange Whitehead

Scottsdale’s Zoning Under Threat

AZ Leg Bill HB2674 will Override City Zoning

Scottsdale’s value is the product of good zoning. Our zoning tilts the playing field in favor of quality developments and has enabled Scottsdale to protect our unique character and open space. That will all change if HB 2674 becomes law.

According to the AZ League of Cities and Towns, HB2674 preempts municipalities and charter cities in all housing matters, violates voter-approved general plans and the Voter Protections Act. and eliminates single-family zoning in Arizona. The bill also prohibits citizen input and Planning Commission review on development proposals.

The bill gives developers the right to ignore local requirements such as height, design standards, landscaping, parking requirements, and open space.

While the bill is touted as a means to tackle Arizona’s housing shortage, it includes zero obligations to make the units affordable. From the Arizona Republic article on the subject: “I am struggling to see how this legislation drives affordable housing,” said Cynthia Zwick, executive director of Phoenix-based Wildfire, a community action group created to battle poverty. “There are no ways for cities to encourage affordable housing in the bill.”

Please consider writing State House Representatives in opposition to HB2674.

North of Thomas:
Rep John Kavanagh
Rep Joe Chaplik

South of Thomas:
Rep Jen Longdon
Rep Amish Shah