If Tucson Can Be So Creative Why Not Scottsdale?

Since most Arizona cities depend precariously on sales and tourism tax revenue it’s especially odd that local leaders are lacking innovative approaches to address the economic storm that’s hit, knowing more devastation is to come.

After all, to help businesses whenever and wherever it can is government sustenance for the revenue sources that fund critical city services.

Rosary beads are not a strategy.  We have been critical of Scottsdale’s efforts to date, despite it having options many other cities do not.  We wish it to be a leader with a more compelling approach, such as Congress has undertaken.  Instead, we now need to look to southern Arizona for outside the box thinking.

There, Tucson and Rio Nuevo officials are talking and taking bold steps to assist the heart of its business district. 

Such an approach may or may not make sense for other Arizona cities but the consideration down Interstate 10 should be applauded.

As one official involved said: “Revenues may fall to zero.  But we’re not going to allow this invisible enemy to cause us to falter.”

If only such a business vaccine could be exported to the Valley rather than ongoing vacillation.

Game of Thrones famously quipped “Winter is coming.”  Yes, it is, in the heart of an Arizona summer.