Deciphering Political Attacks . . . In Scottsdale

It can be unusual in a multi-candidate race for one candidate to attack another.  Pox on both of their houses can be the result with other candidates benefitting.

So, when Scottsdale City Council candidate Betty Janik “attacked” another, John Little, it was conspicuous.  We do not use “attack” pejoratively. Pointing out a fellow competitor’s record is fair game.

But what probably happened in the case of Janik is that mayoral candidate and frequent political ally Bob Littlefield had done some polling.  He typically does using the rudimentary “robo call” technique.  And it likely showed Little faring pretty well, perhaps even in the lead, as real surveys taken earlier this year also showed.  So Janik decided to strike as Little might be a big impediment to her election.

Fast forward to now.  A dark money group supporting current Scottsdale Councilwoman and mayoral aspirant Suzanne Klapp just dropped a mailer complimenting her while also criticizing mayoral rivals Bob Littlefield and Virginia Korte.  This may be the first time in Scottsdale history – no it is – where the same entity attacked both Littlefield and Korte.  They tend to be opposites.  So, what does this tell us?

The dark money organization backing Klapp did some polling prior to the mailing.  And it either shows her in a dead heat with Korte and Littlefield to be one of the two candidates to make it to November’s General Election, or more likely she is trailing and benefactors identified the need to chop down Korte and Littlefield.

As with Janik this is not meant to be a criticism.  Candidates have to make tough calculations all the time.  After all, a bronze medal in the upcoming August 4th Scottsdale mayoral race primary doesn’t do much good.  As Ricky Bobby might observe, “If you’re not first, or in this case second, you’re last.”