COGS Withdrawal of Endorsement for Guy Phillips, Scottsdale City Council Candidate

By The Coalition of Greater Scottsdale  —

The Coalition of Greater Scottsdale (COGS) Board of Directors has withdrawn its endorsement of city council candidate Guy Phillips. In a 24-hour membership online survey, an overwhelming majority of the membership directed the COGS Board of Directors to withdraw Mr. Phillips’ endorsement for a Scottsdale City Council seat in the 2020 election. Some members added comments to their vote that included the recent No Mask protest rally organized by Mr. Phillips, inappropriate verbal remarks at that rally, and actions that negatively impact the image of the city he currently represents as a sitting councilman.

COGS is Scottsdale’s largest city-wide residents’ advocacy organization focusing on appropriate land use and preserving the Scottsdale quality of life. Members serve on Scottsdale Boards, Commissions, Task Forces and volunteer programs such as the Downtown Ambassadors.